The eSurvey E500 is manufactured for improved performance in complex GNSS conditions. The durable structural design makes it adapt to various working environments. A maximum 60° incline angle ensures a tilt-to-go survey without stopping your workflow.
Contact Us NowiF Design Award Product
A global symbol of excellent design - especially with hosting. One of the most prestigious design awards worldwide.
Battery Indicator: An Intelligent Hint of Working Time
Quickly check the remaining battery power in real-time and figure out the working time without data loss.
Integrated Tx/Rx UHF Modem
The built-in transceiver radio modem, compatible with major radio protocols, allows the E500 to work as a base or rover station.
Max 60° Tilt Survey: A Different Way of Working
· Quickly measure accurate points while standing or walking without leveling the pole.
· Concentrate on where the pole tip needs to go, which is especially useful during a stakeout.
· Easily start a survey in environments that are hard to reach, such as building corners and slopes.
· No longer worry about the movement of the pole when measuring, provided that the pole tip is stationary.
Rugged Design: Better Resistance to Shock and Fall
Use it for many years, for it is strongly made and capable of withstanding rough handling.
RTK Aid Function: Uninterrupted Work
Work without interruption even when RTK corrections fail, powered by our RTK aid function.
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